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6 mentions found

Caitlin Clark showed up to the WNBA Draft dressed in Prada from head to toe. According to Business Insider's calculations, Clark's outfit costs $16,875 — or about 22% of her first-year WNBA salary. AdvertisementA close-up of the satin Prada outfit Clark wore to the WNBA Draft. A composite image of the Prada sunglasses and the patent leather Galleria bag that Clark wore to the WNBA draft. AdvertisementAccording to BI's calculations, Clark's Prada outfit totals up to $16,875 — or about 22% of her first-year salary in the WNBA.
Persons: Caitlin Clark, Prada, , Clark, Sarah Stier, Prada's, Adri Zgirdea Toth, Marie Claire, Caitlin, Toth, Clark's Prada, Spotrac, Julia Marino, LVMH, Moët Hennessy Organizations: WNBA, Service, Prada, Indiana Fever ., GQ Sports, NBA, Iowa Hawkeyes, Nike, Gatorade, Olympics, Team USA, Linea, women's national football team Locations: Paris
“Es la que mejor relación tiene con los fans y la que logra toda esta fan manía”, comentó Lucas Forte, de 24 años y miembro de otra carpa que había dormido afuera del estadio durante cinco noches desde septiembre. “Me enteré de que ustedes acamparon para tener un buen lugar”, le dijo el jueves a la multitud. Los organizadores se aseguraron de que las que acamparon fueran las primeras en la fila. “Llegamos allá y me rompí la rodilla” contó Atenas Astuni, de 23 años, integrante de la primera de las carpas, con la voz ronca la mañana del viernes tras el concierto. “Pero estaba hablando con mis amigas de que si me tendría que romper la rodilla de vuelta para que pase exactamente lo mismo que pasó ayer, lo hago de vuelta.
MEXICO CITY, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Mexico's central bank should consider decoupling from the U.S. Federal Reserve's monetary policy, Deputy Governor Omar Mejia said in a Bloomberg Linea story published on Wednesday, calling for discussion of the issue at the bank's next policy meeting. We have the decision coming soon and these are elements we are going to have to incorporate," Mejia said after a meeting with local bank association ABM. Video accompanying the story quoted Mejia as saying the central bank, known as Banxico, will discuss decoupling from the U.S. monetary authority. Mexico's central bank is considering raising its benchmark interest rate at its next policy meeting, scheduled for Feb. 9, according to minutes from its December session. Banxico's current benchmark interest rate is at 10.50%.
GUATEMALA CITY — A court in Guatemala convicted former President Otto Pérez Molina and his vice president, Roxana Baldetti, on fraud and conspiracy counts Wednesday. Johan Ordonez / AFP - Getty Images“It is a lie,” the former president, 72, said during a break in the court proceedings Wednesday. Then President Jimmy Morales ended the CICIG’s mission in 2019 while he was under investigation. Anticorruption efforts have faltered since then and those who worked closely with the international mission have seen the justice system turned against them. Around 30 former anti-corruption officials have fled the country.
[1/5] Former Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina leaves the courtroom after being found guilty of a corruption case during his administration, at the judicial building, in Guatemala City, Guatemala December 7, 2022. Perez, who was president of Guatemala from 2012 to 2015, has spent the last seven years in prison awaiting a verdict in the case. Baldetti was sentenced to more than 15 years in prison in 2018 in a separate fraud case. Perez was ordered to pay 8.7 million quetzales ($1.10 million) while Baldetti was fined 8.4 million quetzales ($1.06 million) on Wednesday. The case, known as "La Linea," was originally investigated under the now-defunct International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), backed by the United Nations.
(video) Un „ochi de foc” a apărut în Golful Mexic după ce o conductă de petrol a explodat sub apă. Salvatorii sting incendiulUn incendiu a izbucnit pe o conductă de petrol submarin în Golful Mexic vineri dimineața. Conducta Ku-Malub Zaap este una dintre cele mai productive clustere petroliere din Mexic care poate produce peste 700 000 de barili de petrol pe zi, sau aproximativ 40 % din producția totală a Pemex, scrie Reuters. Focul care arde pe suprafața apei seamănă cu un „ochi”, o priveliște rar întâlnită. Pemex no ha emitido ningún tipo de comunicado.
Persons: Reuters Organizations: Veracruz Locations: Mexic
Total: 6